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Birkbeck has enabled access to the highest quality education and research to anyone who has the ability and drive to succeed, regardless of background or circumstance. Make a gift today to help us continue that mission.
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As a former Birkbeck student, you have access to a range of alumni benefits and services.
Read about how generous support creates a significant impact at Birkbeck.
Tap into your alumni community network: over 65,000 former students in the UK and over 130 countries worldwide.
Finishing your course at Birkbeck does not mean goodbye. Stay in touch with classmates and make new friends and contacts by joining one of our alumni groups.
If you need additional copies of your transcript (for example, if you are applying for further study at another university), here is what you need to do.
Find out more about the many former Birkbeck students who have successfully written and published works of fiction and non-fiction.
Twice a year, we gather to celebrate the fantastic achievements of our hard-working students. Find out everything you need to know about your big day.
If you have successfully completed your qualification, you will receive a diploma. The University of London will normally mail your diploma to you within six months of formal notification of your results.
You can choose from over 150 courses, most of which are taught face-to-face, but a few of which (MRes degrees, for example) allow you to concentrate on your research.
Discover more about the progressive thinkers, social reformers, poets and writers - and even a prime minister – who studied at Birkbeck.
We can provide you with a letter confirming your status.
Leaving Birkbeck a gift in your Will has a deep, lasting impact and benefits future generations of students. Find out everything you need to know about leaving us a bequest.
There are many benefits to being involved with Birkbeck life after you leave.
25 April 2024, 11:00 to 11 October 2024, 16:30
TBC Book your place
9 September 2024, 14:00 to 13 September 2024, 16:00
Online Book your place
10 September 2024 11:00 — 12:00
The Department of Biological Sciences welcomed crystallography alumni back to the College in an evening of celebration that considered the past, present and future of science at Birkbeck.
of Dr James Hammond who visited Chile as part of his research in to earthquakes.
Dr Simon Pooley investigates if humans and predators can coexist in areas where habitats are shrinking.