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Support Birkbeck

If you are in a position to make a gift to support Birkbeck students you can:

Find out about our fundraising priorities.

Give by post or phone

  • Post: we accept cheques, charity vouchers and postal orders. Simply send your gift to the Development Office, and we will write back to confirm the receipt. Remember to make all cheques payable to ‘Birkbeck College’.
  • Phone: to discuss your gift, or to make a gift over the phone, please contact us.
  • Alternatively, download a gift form (PDF) and return it to the Development Office.

Payroll giving

  • Payroll giving enables you to make a gift to Birkbeck straight from your gross salary before tax has been deducted.
  • For a basic rate taxpayer (paying 20% tax) to give a £10.00 gift, it will only cost £8 or just £6 for higher-rate taxpayers (paying 40% tax).
  • In addition, many employers will match their employees' gifts. Ask your employer whether they have a payroll giving scheme.
  • If you have any questions relating to payroll giving please contact us.

Gifts in wills

Gifts from the United States

  • Birkbeck is registered with the British Schools and Universities Foundation (BSUF), a US-based education foundation with 501(c)(3) tax exempt status. This means alumni and friends of Birkbeck living in the United States are able to benefit from the same tax deductions on their charitable gifts as they would if they gave to a United States-based university or charity.
  • You can make a gift online by simply indicating the preference for ‘Birkbeck, University of London’ in the required field. Please note: online gifts will be processed by Network for Good, an independent foundation that manages BSUF's online credit card giving. Your tax receipt will come from directly Network for Good.
  • You can make a gift by cheque, made payable to 'British Schools and Universities Foundation'.
  • You can also download and complete a Donor Transmittal form (PDF).
  • Send the Donor Transmittal form and your cheque to:
    • The British Schools and Universities Foundation
    • 641 Lexington Avenue, 15th floor
    • New York, NY, 10022-4503
  • BSUF will provide you with a receipt that you can use for your tax return.

Gift aid and data storage