Dr Libby Drury

I joined Birkbeck in 2017. I completed my BSc, MSc and PhD at the University of Kent, as a mature student. I am also the first in my family to attend university. I am passionate about equality and diversity.
My research is rooted in the social psychology of prejudice and stereotypes. Primarily my research focuses on age and ageing in the workplace and in wider society. I examine intergenerational relationships, ageism and age stereotypes.
- PhD Psychology, University of Kent, 2017
- MSc Social and Applied Psychology (Distinction), University of Kent, 2012
- BSc Psychology (First Class Honours), University of Kent, 2011
- Postgraduate Certificate in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education, Birkbeck, University of London, 2018
Administrative responsibilities
- Chair, School of BEI Ethics Committee
- Module Convenor Dissertation in BSc Business Psychology
- Module Convenor Advanced Research Methods
- Deputy Chair of the Board of Examiners, MSc Organizational Psychology and MSc HRM, University of London International Programme
- Academic Lead for Equalities and Diversity, Department of Organizational Psychology
- Member, College Ethics Committee
- Member, School of BEI Research Committee
- Member, Professional Development of Educators Committee
Visiting posts
- Honorary Research Fellow , University of Kent, 11-2018 to 10-2021
Professional activities
Vice Leader, COST Action CA22120 – A European Network to LeverAge the Multi-Age Workforce
Editorial Board: Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology
Co-Chair. International Contact Research Network
Guest Editor: Journal of Group Processes and Intergroup Relations
Consulting Editor: Journal of Group Processes and Intergroup Relations
RESEARCH FUNDING: 2024-28. €245,900. Volkswagen Stiftung. Overcoming Societal Tensions in Europe: Can Age-Diverse Friendships be the Solution? Co-I. Five country funded project, overall funding €1,647,300.
RESEARCH FUNDING. 2018. £15,506. British Academy Visiting Fellowship. Co-I. Being Socially Mindful at Work: A Dyadic Approach to Understanding Intergenerational Contact and Coworker-Support Behavior.
Professional memberships
Chartered Psychologist, British Psychological Society
Fellow, Higher Education Academy
Honours and awards
- Shortlist - Outstanding Contribution to Student Experience, Student Union, Birkbeck, University of London, December 2018
- Honorary Research Fellow, University of Kent, December 2018
- Social Sciences Faculty Prize , University of Kent, December 2011
- Janet Miele Prize for Best of Year Research Project, University of Kent, December 2011
0000-0002-0964-7068 -
Research interests
- Ageism and ageing
- Intergenerational relationships
- Stereotypes and stigma
- Social cognitions
- Discrimination and bias in selection and assessment processes
- Group processes in the workplace
- Stereotype threat
Research overview
I use quantitative and experimental methods in the laboratory, workplace and online to examine the impact of biases, stereotypes and intergroup relations on individual, organisational and social outcomes. Psychological frameworks I use include social identity theory, intergroup contact, stereotype content model and social role theory.
On a general level, I am interested in equality and diversity issues. My research focuses on prejudice and stereotypes in the workplace, relationships between different social groups and negative attitudes towards minority group members, stigma, bias and discrimination.
I am currently working on three areas of research;
- Workplace relationships between younger and older workers and they influence organisational outcomes.
- Age and gender stereotypes in the workplace.
- Selection and assessment processes that lead to discrimination and bias.
Past projects I have worked on include;
- Intergenerational relationships and ageism.
- Stereotype threat experienced by older adults in everyday life, including the workplace.
- Gender role models in the workplace and the psychology underpinning the effects of role models.
Research Centres and Institutes
- Vice Lead Work Group 3, LeverAge Cost Action
- Co-Chair, International Contact Research Network
- Member, Birkbeck Institute for Social Research
Supervision and teaching
Supervision and teaching
I welcome enquiries from prospective PhD students who are interested in undertaking research in any of my areas of research interest:
- Prejudice and stereotypes
- Biases and discrimination
- Ageing and ageism
- Female leadership
- Intergroup relations
- Selection and assessment
- Social cognition
Current doctoral researchers
Doctoral alumni since 2013-14
Teaching modules
- Advanced Research Methods (BUOB016H6)
- Research Project (BUOB042D7)
- Warrilow, Eloise and Drury, Lisbeth and Yarker, Jo and Lewis, Rachel (2024) Dog- friendly workplaces: understanding what works and lessons learned through reflexive thematic analysis. People and Animals: The International Journal of Research and Practice 7 (1), pp. 1-22. ISSN 2575-9078.
- Drury, Lisbeth and Fasbender, Ulrike (2024) Fostering intergenerational harmony: can good quality contact between older and younger employees reduce workplace conflict?. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology ISSN 0963-1798.
- Marcus, J. and Scheibe, S. and Kooij, D. and Truxillo, D.M. and Zaniboni, S. and Abuladze, L. and Al Mursi, N. and Bamberger, P.A. and Balytska, M. and Betanzos, N.D. and Perek-Białas, J. and Boehm, S.A. and Burmeister, A. and Cabib, I. and Caon, M. and Deller, J. and Derous, E. and Drury, Lisbeth and Eppler-Hattab, R. and Fasbender, U. and Fülöp, M. and Furunes, T. and Gerpott, F.H. and Goštautaitė, B. and Halvorsen, C.J. and Hernaus, T. and Inceoglu, I. and Iskifoglu, M. and Ivanoska, K.S. and Kanfer, R. and Kenig, N. and Kiran, S. and Klimek, S. and Kunze, F. and Mertan, E.B. and Varianou-Mikellidou, C. and Moasa, H. and Ng, Y.L. and Parker, S.K. and Reh, S. and Resuli, V. and Schmeink, M. and Silberg, S. and Sousa, I.C. and Steiner, D.D. and Stukalina, Y. and Tomas, J. and Topa, G. and Turek, K. and Vignoli, M. and von Bonsdorff, M. and Wang, D. and Wang, M. and Yeung, D.Y.-l. and Yildirim, K. and Zhang, X. and Žnidaršič, J. (2024) LeverAge: a European network to leverage the multi-age workforce. Work, Aging and Retirement ISSN 2054-4650.
- Drury, Lisbeth and Birtel, M.D. and Randsley De Moura, G. and Crisp, R.J. (2023) Remembrance of contact past: when intergroup contact meta-cognitions decrease outgroup tolerance. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations 26 (3), pp. 652-668. ISSN 13684302.
- Drury, Lisbeth and Abrams, D. and Swift, H. (2022) Intergenerational contact during and beyond COVID-19. Journal of Social Issues 78 (4), pp. 860-882. ISSN 0022-4537.
- Drury, Lisbeth and Frasca, Keely and Schellaert, M. and Derous, E. (2022) Age stereotyping in resume screening: don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater. Work, Aging and Retirement 8 (4), pp. 331-334. ISSN 2054-4650.
- Fasbender, Ulrike and Drury, Lisbeth (2022) One plus one equals one: age-diverse friendship and its complex relation to employees’ job satisfaction and turnover intentions. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology 31 (4), pp. 510-523. ISSN 1359-432X.
- Lamont, R. and Swift, H. and Drury, Lisbeth (2021) Understanding perceived age-based judgement as a precursor to age-based stereotype threat in everyday settings. Frontiers in Psychology ISSN 1664-1078.
- Drury, Lisbeth and Travaglino, G.A. (2020) Demobilising by legitimising: masculine honour, positive and negative contact, and social activism against criminal organisations. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations 23 (3), pp. 402-417. ISSN 13684302.
- Drury, Lisbeth and Travaglino, G.A. (2018) Connected guys: endorsement of masculine honour predicts more frequent contact with members of criminal organisations. European Journal of Social Psychology 49 (1), pp. 157-168. ISSN 1099-0992.
- Swift, H.J. and Abrams, D. and Lamont, R.A. and Drury, Lisbeth (2017) The risks of ageism model: how ageism and negative attitudes toward age can be a barrier to active aging. Social Issues and Policy Review 11 (1), pp. 195-231. ISSN 1751-2395.
- Drury, Lisbeth and Abrams, D. and Swift, H.J. and Lamont, R.A. and Gerocova, K. (2017) Can caring create prejudice? An investigation of positive and negative intergenerational contact in care settings and the generalisation of blatant and subtle age prejudice to other older people. Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology 27 (1), pp. 65-82. ISSN 1052-9284.
- Drury, Lisbeth and Hutchison, P. and Abrams, D. (2016) Direct and extended intergenerational contact and young people's attitudes towards older adults. British Journal of Social Psychology 55 (3), pp. 522-543. ISSN 0144-6665.
- Abrams, D. and Swift, H.J. and Drury, Lisbeth (2016) Old and unemployable? How age-based stereotypes affect willingness to hire job candidates. Journal of Social Issues 72 (1), pp. 105-121. ISSN 0022-4537.
- Travaglino, G.A. and Drury, Lisbeth (2020) The secret power of criminal organizations: A social psychological approach. SpringerBriefs in Psychology. Springer. ISBN 9783030441609. (In Press)
Book Section
- Drury, Lisbeth and Bobrowicz, A. and Cameron, L. and Abrams, D. (2018) The positive and negative impact of an intergenerational digital technology education programme on younger people’s perceptions of older adults. In: Zhou, J. and Salvendy, G. (eds.) Human Aspects of IT for the Aged Population. Aging, Design and User Experience: Third International Conference, ITAP 2017.. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer International. pp. 419-428. ISBN 9783319585291.
- Swift, H.J. and Abrams, D. and Drury, Lisbeth and Lamont, R.A. Categorization by age. In: Shackelford, T.K. and Weekes-Shackelford, V.A. (eds.) Encyclopaedia of Evolutionary Psychological Science. Springer. ISBN 9783319169996.
- Drury, Lisbeth and Abrams, D. and Swift, H.J. (2017) Making intergenerational connections – an evidence review. London, UK: Age UK.
- Swift, H.J. and Drury, Lisbeth and Lamont, R.A. (2016) The perception of ageing and age discrimination. British Medical Association.
- Drury, Lisbeth (2015) Inspirational women in business. Department for Business, Innovation and Skills.
- Abrams, D. and Swift, H.J. and Lamont, R.A. and Drury, Lisbeth (2015) The barriers to and enablers of positive attitudes to ageing and older people, at the societal and individual level. Foresight, Government Office for Science.