Dr Rebecca Gumbrell-McCormick
Rebecca is a former official of the International Union of Food and Allied Workers' Associations (IUF) and of the International Labour Organisation (ILO), both based in Geneva, and of the British union MSF. She has been a lecturer at Birkbeck since 2002.
Research interests
- European and international employment relations
- International and comparative employment relations
- Trade unionism
- Equality, especially race and disability
- International organisations and international governance
Supervision and teaching
Supervision and teaching
Current doctoral researchers
Doctoral alumni since 2013-14
Teaching modules
- Varieties of Capitalism and Employment Relations (BUMN003H7)
- Contemporary Perspectives in Employment Relations (BUMN152H6)
- Gumbrell-McCormick, Rebecca and Hyman, R. (2019) Democracy in trade unions, democracy through trade unions?. Economic and Industrial Democracy 40 (1), pp. 91-110. ISSN 0143-831X.
- Hyman, R. and Gumbrell-McCormick, Rebecca (2017) Resisting labour market insecurity: old and new actors, rivals or allies?. Journal of Industrial Relations 59 (4), pp. 538-561. ISSN 0022-1856.
- Gumbrell-McCormick, Rebecca and Hyman, R. (2017) What about the workers: the implications of Brexit for British and European labour'. Competition and Change 21 (3), pp. 169-184. ISSN 1024-5294.
- Gumbrell-McCormick, Rebecca and Hyman, R. (2015) International trade union solidarity and the impact of the crisis. European Policy Analysis 2015:1, pp. 1-16.
- Gumbrell-McCormick, Rebecca (2013) The international trade union confederation: from two (or more?) identities to one. British Journal of Industrial Relations 51 (2), pp. 240-263. ISSN 0007-1080.
- Cotton, E. and Gumbrell-McCormick, Rebecca (2012) Global Unions as imperfect multilateral organizations: an international relations perspective. Economic and Industrial Democracy 33 (4), pp. 707-728. ISSN 0143-831X.
- Gumbrell-McCormick, Rebecca (2011) European trade unions and ‘atypical’ workers. Industrial Relations Journal 42 (3), pp. 293-310. ISSN 0019-8692.
- Gumbrell-McCormick, Rebecca (2011) Syndicalisme international. D’un congrès à un autre : la CSI quatre ans après. Chroniques Internationales de l’IRES 129, pp. 35-46. ISSN 1285-087X.
- Gumbrell-McCormick, Rebecca (2011) D'un congrès à un autre: la CSI quatre uns après. Chroniques Internationales de l’IRES 129, pp. 35-46. ISSN 1285-087X.
- Hyman, R. and Gumbrell-McCormick, Rebecca (2010) Sindacati, partiti e politica: quale nuovo nesso è possibile?. Quaderni Rassegna Sindacale 11 (4), pp. 53-81. ISSN 0391-6944.
- Baccaro, L. and Boyer, R. and Crouch, C. and Regini, M. and Marginson, P. and Hyman, R. and Gumbrell-McCormick, Rebecca and Milkman, R. (2010) Trade unions and the crisis: a lost opportunity?. Socio-Economic Review 8 (2), pp. 341-376. ISSN 1475-1461.
- Hyman, R. and Gumbrell-McCormick, Rebecca (2010) Syndicats, politique et partis: une nouvelle configuration est-elle possible?. La revue de l’Ires 65 (2), pp. 17-40. ISSN 1145-1378.
- Hyman, R. and Gumbrell-McCormick, Rebecca (2010) Trade unions, politics and parties: is a new configuration possible?. Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research 16 (3), pp. 315-331. ISSN 1024-2589.
- Gumbrell-McCormick, Rebecca (2007) Le relazioni industriali internazionali: attori e regole. Diritto delle Relazioni Industriali 17 (4), pp. 1157-1185. ISSN 1121-8762.
- Gumbrell-McCormick, Rebecca and Hyman, R. (2006) Embedded collectivism? Workplace representation in France and Germany. Industrial Relations Journal 37 (5), pp. 473-491. ISSN 0019-8692.
- Gumbrell-McCormick, Rebecca (2004) Putting the labor into labor standards. Labor History 45 (4), pp. 522-529. ISSN 0023-656X.
- Gumbrell-McCormick, Rebecca and Hyman, R. (2013) Trade unions in Western Europe: hard times, hard choices. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780199644414.
Book Section
- Gumbrell-McCormick, Rebecca and Hyman, R. and Bernaciak, M. (2017) Trade unions in Europe: challenges and responses. In: Marino, S. and Roosblad, J. and Penninx, R. (eds.) Trade Unions and Migrant Workers: New Contexts and Challenges in Europe. Edward Elgar. pp. 90-114. ISBN 9781788114073.
- Gumbrell-McCormick, Rebecca (2013) The international labour movement: structures and dynamics. In: Fairbrother, P. and Lévesque, C. and Hennebert, M.A. (eds.) Transnational Trade Unionism: Building Union Power. Routledge Studies in Employment and Work Relations in Context. London, UK: Routledge. ISBN 9780415818803.
- Gumbrell-McCormick, Rebecca and Hyman, R. (2013) Collective representation at work: institutions and dynamics. In: Frege, C. and Kelly, John (eds.) Comparative Employment Relations in the Global Economy. London, UK: Routledge. ISBN 9780415686631.
- Gumbrell-McCormick, Rebecca (2012) The international labour movement: what next after unity?. In: Leemans, M. and Rolin, C. and Cortebeeck, L. (eds.) Working on a Dream. Brussels: ACV-CSC. pp. 131-133.
- Gumbrell-McCormick, Rebecca and Varga, M. and Hyman, R. (2012) European trade unions and "atypical" workers. In: Schurman, S.J. and Eaton, A.E. (eds.) Trade Union Organizing in the Informal Economy: A Review of the Literature on Organizing in Africa, Asia, Latin America, North America and Western, Central and Eastern Europe. Newark: Rutgers University. pp. 59-70.
- Gumbrell-McCormick, Rebecca and Hyman, R. (2010) Works councils: the European model of industrial democracy?. In: Wilkinson, A. and Gollan, P.J. and Marchington, M. and Lewin, D. (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Participation in Organizations. Oxford Handbooks in Business and Management. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. pp. 286-314. ISBN 9780199207268.
- Gumbrell-McCormick, Rebecca (2008) International actors and international regulation. In: Bacon, N. and Blyton, P. and Fiorito, J. and Heery, E. (eds.) Handbook of Industrial Relations. London, UK: Sage. pp. 325-345. ISBN 9781412911542.
Conference Item
- Gumbrell-McCormick, Rebecca (2012) European trade unions and young workers. International Conference on Productivity, Investment on Human Capital and the Challenge of Youth Employment, 2012, Bergamo, Italy
- Gumbrell-McCormick, Rebecca (2012) (How) can trade unions be both democratic and strategic?. International Renewable Energy Congress, 2012, Lisbon, Portugal
- Gumbrell-McCormick, Rebecca (2012) La fondation de la CSI: le bilan six ans après. Le Syndicalisme dans sa Dimension Internationale, 2012, Universite libre de bruxelles, Brussels, Belgium
- Gumbrell-McCormick, Rebecca (2012) Trade unions and atypical workers. Trade Unions and Atypical Workers, 2012, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain
- Gumbrell-McCormick, Rebecca (2011) Syndicats, organisations militantes et rapport au politique. L’Engagement Militant, 2011, Université Catholique de Louvain la Neuve, Belgium
- Gumbrell-McCormick, Rebecca (2011) Trade union education and training in Europe. The Work of the Future: Learning at the Workplace, 2011, Bergamo, Italy
- Gumbrell-McCormick, Rebecca (2011) Trade unions and atypical workers. Trade unions and atypical workers, 2011, Centre for Labour Market Studies, University of Leicester, UK
- Gumbrell-McCormick, Rebecca (2011) The international labour movement: a new relationship?. SASE, 2011, Madrid, Spain
- Gumbrell-McCormick, Rebecca (2010) La formation syndicale (ouest-)européenne: enjeux et stratégies. Syndicalisation et formation : Renouvellement des perspectives et approches comparées sur le syndicalisme, 2010, Université Lille, France
- Gumbrell-McCormick, Rebecca (2010) Le mouvement syndical international: qu'est ce que c'est?. L'action syndicale sans frontières, 2010, Université de Montréal
- Gumbrell-McCormick, Rebecca (2010) Responding to the changing nature of work: European trade unions and 'precarious' workers. CRIMT/Canadian Industrial Relations Association Conference, 2010, Université Laval, Québec, Canada
- Gumbrell-McCormick, Rebecca (2010) Trade unions, politics and parties. XVII ISA World Congress of Sociology, 2010, Gothenburg, Sweden
- Gumbrell-McCormick, Rebecca (2010) The international trade union confederation: from two identities to one?. Ideas at Work, 2010, Employment Research Unit, Cardiff Business School, UK