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The European Union was on Trial at a week of engaging public lectures from the School of Law

Last week, almost five hundred people visited Birkbeck to hear leading academic experts and lawyers voice their opinions on today’s EU referendum

Last week, almost five hundred people visited Birkbeck to hear leading academic experts and lawyers voice their opinions on today’s EU referendum as part of ‘Law on Trial 2016: the European Union at the Crossroads’.

Whilst the UK is reeling over talks of ‘Brexit’, the School of Law’s week of free-to-attend public lectures trialled the financial crisis, the sovereign debt crisis, the migration crisis, and the future of Europe – all issues that have threatened to challenge the notion of a union between European member states.

The School of Law was joined by prestigious academic experts from across Europe, including Norway, offering an examined critique of the current state of the European Union, the options for Brexit, and the political, legal and financial implications of the result on Thursday 23rd June.

The event was organised by Professor Michelle Everson who says, ‘This year's Law on Trial was a revelation. In the run up to the EU referendum, we were beset by problems, such as the withdrawal of institutional speakers.

‘But, the enthusiasm of members of the public and Birkbeck students transformed this debate into an enlightening and mind-changing discussion, not simply on Brexit, but also on the futures of all living within and without the continent of Europe.’

Law on Trial is an annual showcase, run by the School of Law, which brings together academic staff - recognised internationally as authorities in their field - to discuss a current, topical legal theme each year.

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