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School of Law hosts the book launch of Jodi Dean’s Crowds and Party

The School of Law was very fortunate to host the launch of Jodi Dean's latest work "Crowds and Party".

Every new monograph published by Jodi Dean – and there have been several in the last two decades – is an intellectual event. The School of Law was therefore very fortunate to host the launch of her latest work Crowds and Party.

Published by Verso earlier this year, Crowds and Party is a follow up volume to Dean’s The Communist Horizon published in 2014.

Dean’s challenging message to anyone dreaming of political transformation is that the party form is indispensable. Her meticulous scholarship gives body and history to how we can traverse the fantasy of a virtuous but defeated left, to a strong and fighting political movement.

To respond to her urgent and provocative message, we welcomed four political theorists whose work engages with and problematizes the left’s fractured histories nationally and globally: Nick Srnicek from the London School of Economics, Stathis Kouvelakis from Kings College London, Mark Fisher of Goldsmiths College and our very own Elena Loizidou.

The attending “Crowd”, which Jodi’s persuasive responses soon transformed into a veritable “Party” were equally well-informed and, despite many having standing room only, continued to challenge author and readers. Turning the evening into a lively and stimulating event, as befitting the event of Dean’s new publication.

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