Library guides and policies
Our comprehensive guides can help you with every aspect of using Birkbeck Library, from finding and borrowing books and browsing our databases to using specialist referencing software. You can read our library regulations and policy documents that guide and underpin our services.
Browse our library guides
academic subject guides (A-Z)
Alumni Guide
Database User Guides
- A-Z of databases and online resources - go to the listing
- Academic Search Complete
- Advanced Searching in CloudSource
- Bloomberg - cheatsheet
- Bloomberg - creating an account
- Bloomberg - installing the Excel add-on
- Bloomberg - user guide
- Box of Broadcast (BoB) National see Box of Broadcast (BoB) National - short video guides on how to use BoB
- PEP-Web (Psychoanalytic Electronic Publishing)
- Safari Books Online
- Scopus
eBooks guide
Free access to online resources guide
Inclusive Readings (decolonising the curriculum) guide
Library Guides
- Finding and using information for coursework (on Moodle)
- Library and Information skills tutorial (on Moodle)
Patents, copyright and intellectual property guides
Reading for pleasure guide
Reading List Guidance for Teaching Staff
referencing guides
- Creating a bibliography
- Guide to the referencing tools in Word (on Moodle)
- Guide to using Mendeley and Zotero (on Moodle)
Research guide
Senate House Library guide
Study skills guides
- Study skills resources - this is being updated.
- Study skills online tutorials - a selection of Birkbeck Study Skills
Study spaces guide
Systematic review guide
Using archives, special collections, and images in your research guide
Wellbeing guide
Library Policy Documents
Our policies and strategic plans are reviewed and updated regularly to ensure our services are meeting the needs of Birkbeck students and staff.
- Birkbeck Library Interlibrary loan policy
- Birkbeck Library Operational plan 2022-2023
- Birkbeck Library Regulations
- Birkbeck Library Re-Use of Public Sector Information Regulations
- Birkbeck Library Annual Review 2022-2023
- Birkbeck Library Services Collection Development Policy
- Birkbeck Library Service Standards
- Birkbeck Library Communications and Marketing Strategy
- Birkbeck Library Strategy 2020-2021
- Birkbeck Library Strategy 2016-2019
Library Regulations
Our regulations exist to help the Library function efficiently and to ensure it is a safe and pleasant place to study, research, and work. The Library Services User Charter is our pledge to you.
Summary of regulations
- In joining Birkbeck Library, you agree to abide by our regulations, as summarised here:
- You need a valid membership card to enter the Library and to borrow material.
- You should return items promptly when someone else has requested them.
- You should not bring food or alcoholic drinks into the Library.
- You need to abide by copyright legislation and electronic licence agreements.
- You should treat other Library users and Library staff with courtesy and respect, which includes not disturbing other users and maintaining silence in designated areas.
- Read the full Birkbeck Library regulations.
Forgot or lost your card
- Forgot your card: if you are a student or staff with a Birkbeck username and password you can print a day pass using the self-service day pass kiosk at the Library entrance. Otherwise, you may be able to gain access to the Library with a one-day pass.
- Lost your card: you should inform us as soon as possible, contact us and if you are a Birkbeck student information on how to get a replacement Birkbeck ID is available.
Withdrawal of access
- We retain the right to withdraw access to the Library's physical space, where there has been a breach of the Library’s regulations (you will be notified in advance), and to any or all of our digital resources without prior notification, where agreements with our suppliers require this.