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Seizing the helping hand: leveraging your research community's integration systems

Venue: Online

Book your place

As research keep globalizing, feeling isolated from one’s field of research is becoming the dominant experience among early career researchers (ECRs). Feelings of isolation are problematic as they generate enduring alienation, decrease performance, and motivate ECRs to abandon their research careers. While resilient ECRs strive to integrate, academic communities strive to create an environment facilitating their integration. The aim of this professional development workshop is to help ECR leverage their research community’s integration systems.

What will you get from participating in this workshop?

In this workshop, you will learn:

  • What resources your research community can help you access to facilitate your integration in your research community
  • Where to access those resources
  • How to access those resources

Who is this workshop for?

All interested Birkbeck academic researchers will benefit from participating in this workshop. The discussion panel is relevant to junior scholars looking to become better integrated in their research fields, but also for senior scholars, looking to get inspiration or learn best practices from what’s happening in other fields.


Where and when will this workshop take place?

This workshop will take place online on Thursday 9 March 2023 from 1pm to 2:30pm.

The link to the virtual meeting room will be shared closer to the date.

Workshop Facilitator

This session is organized as a panel discussion from senior academics with substantive experience in engaging and/or managing learned societies in academia. The panel members are based in various disciplines and schools and used to navigating different research communities.

The panel members are:

  • Isabel Davis, Reader in Medieval Literature and Culture, and AD for Equalities, School of Arts
  • Elisa Ferre, Reader in Psychological Sciences, School of Science
  • Alex Poulovlassis, Emeritus Professor of computer science, School of BEI
  • Rebecca Whiting, Reader in Organisation studies, School of BEI

The context for the workshop

The workshop is part of professional development series on the following six topics:

1. Thursday 6/7 October 2022 - Academic isolation and why it matters
2. Thursday 10 November 2022 - Creativity for research: developing creative solutions to research challenges and roadblocks
3. Thursday 8 December 2022 - Networking for researchers: strategies to develop helpful research relationships
4. Thursday 12 January 2023 - Personal branding for research: strategies to develop your reputation in your research community
5. Thursday 9 February 2023 - Together we are stronger: why and how to develop your own research collective
6. Thursday 9 March 2023 - Seizing the helping research hand: leveraging your research community’s integration systems

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