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Andy Harvey discusses his research into Homophobia in Sport, and Combatting Match Fixing

In 2012, Dr Andy Harvey, Research Associate at the Birkbeck Sport Business Centre and Teaching Assistant in the Department of Psychosocial Studies at Birkbeck, was successful in gaining funding for research into match fixing in professional football in Europe

In 2012, Dr Andy Harvey, Research Associate at the Birkbeck Sport Business Centre and Teaching Assistant in the Department of Psychosocial Studies at Birkbeck, was successful in gaining funding for research into match fixing in professional football in Europe, with a view to preparing educational materials to combat the phenomenon.

The project, entitled ‘Don’t Fix It!’, was funded by the European Commission’s Sport Unit as part of its 2012 Preparatory Action – a series of complementary projects focusing on the prevention of match-fixing episodes through the education and information of relevant stakeholders, such as athletes, referees, match officials and sports administrators. The project is being led by FIFPro, the world professional footballers’ union, and is co-funded by UEFA, the European governing body for football, while Birkbeck, under Dr Harvey’s direction, provides full research support.

In this video, Andy discusses his research on anti-match-fixing.

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