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Research clusters

Our research is structured around four thematic research clusters that represent our core areas of research excellence. The boundaries between them are fluid, with several staff members linked to more than one cluster. This structure fosters coherence within research teams and with other institutions. The four research clusters are:

Brain and Cognitive Development

This cluster is organised around the world-leading Centre for Brain and Cognitive Development (CBCD), established in 1998. Research is conducted in the Babylab and associated labs, including the Genes, Environment and Lifespan (GEL) lab. Research in this area has been further enhanced by the construction of the new Birkbeck ToddlerLab.

Cognitive Modelling

Research in this cluster builds on our continuing excellence in computational modelling. This group is organised around the multidisciplinary Centre for Cognition, Computation and Modelling (CCCM).

Perception, Attention, Action and Emotion

Research in this cluster is focused on cognitive and affective neuroscience and sensorimotor control. This group is organised around the MACE Experimental Research Laboratories in Neuroscience, the Brain and Behaviour Lab and the Affective and Cognitive Neuroscience Lab.

Health and lived Experience

This new cluster employs mixed quantitative and qualitative methods to examine health and development. A distinctive feature of much of the cluster's work is a focus on the detailed examination of lived experience. It includes the Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis Research Group.

Cutting across these four clusters is the Birkbeck/UCL Centre for Neuroimaging (BUCNI). During the census period our 1.5T fMRI scanner has been supplemented with a 3.0T scanner and new associated lab space.