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The Derek Jarman Lab offers an array of training and support for researchers and students who would like to include filmmaking as part of their practice. At the core of our teaching is our short course Audio-Visual Practice as Research, which covers basic technical filmmaking competencies as well as some conceptual approaches to incorporating film into academic practice.


This intensive short course teaches attendees how to make effective use of the moving image in the context of their academic research. It begins with a survey of the types of filmmaking that lend themselves to a research-led approach, such as essay film, documentary, video essay, video art, ethnographic film, and digital anthropology. We then move on to a series of practical exercises in working with audio-visual ideas, writing treatments, filming and editing digital footage. Participants learn how to use widely available digital equipment, including Panasonic GH6 and GH5 cameras, smartphones, audio recording equipment, and free editing software such as Blackmagic Davinci Resolve (much in the spirit of Derek Jarman, who used affordable and accessible Super-8 film to create his early experimental work). At the end of the course participants will complete their own short essay film.

The training is designed to be introductory, and no previous knowledge of film practice is required. Participants learn to film digital material, experiment with participatory methods of conducting research and use popular editing software to create visually stimulating and intellectually engaging videos. An integral part of the training is discussing participants' research interests and how audio-visual methods can be used in their field of work.

View details of the Audio-Visual Practice as Research short course.

Take a look at some examples of what has been achieved by participants on recent courses.


We are now also offering short placement opportunities to LAHP and CHASE PhD students. An integral part of the placement is our online course Audio-Visual Practice as Research, which is followed by a period of mentoring and production support.

You can apply to LAHP or CHASE to cover the costs of the course and support. For more details, please .