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Fire safety information for external organisations


The College has a duty to bring to your attention its arrangements for the emergency evacuation of College premises. Please pass this information to the person or persons who will be co-ordinating your event at the College.

Read the emergency evacuation procedures below (also prominently displayed at strategic points around all buildings).

Investigate the fire escape routes in the building in order that you know the nearest to your accommodation.

Inform your delegates/guests of the fire procedures and routes to the exits.


If your group will have any members who may experience difficulty in recognising the fire alarm or in responding to it on account of severe hearing or mobility impairment, then please read our Fire evacuation and personal emergency evacuation procedures. If the nature of the disabilities is severe and requires further consideration, then please .


The fire alarm is a continuous siren or ringing bell.

On hearing the fire alarm, the person in charge of an event should direct their delegates or guests to the nearest exit, accompany them to the outside of the building and take them well clear of the fire exits.

Inform a Fire Marshal (often identifiable by arm-bands), the Duty Attendant or a Fire Brigade officer if you know a location where a disabled person requires assistance with evacuation.

Move well clear of fire exits once you have left a building. This will allow space for others to exit safely, provide unrestricted access for the emergency services. A distance of at least 100 metres should be 'well clear'. Do not stand in the road.

In the event of an emergency evacuation at a building without a Duty Attendant, other members of College staff will take responsibility for crowd control and will appoint one or more of their number to liaise with Malet Street reception and the emergency services