Event Report: Linking London Advanced British Standard Consultation Forum Event
On the 14th March Linking London held a forum on the Advanced British Standard (ABS) Consultation to enable partners to discuss the key questions in the consultation. Feedback from partners will then inform our consultation response, on behalf of the network.

After introductions and an opening welcome from Andrew Jones, Director at Linking London, we had a presentation from David Pautsch, Product Manager at Pearson who set the scene and outlined everything we know so far about the ABS.
Attendees then got together in breakout groups focusing on the key questions in the consultation. These included the overarching aims and key principles of the ABS, views on replacing A levels and T Levels and what needs to be done to ensure these learners can progress on to a wide range of HE opportunities. You can find the full write up of the discussion on our Partner Area.
The event closed with thanking everyone for their contributions throughout the morning.
Further Information
Presentations, recording and discussion notes
To view the recording, presentations and the notes from the day please click here. This link will take you to the Linking London SharePoint Partners' Area. You must be a Linking London member to access this section of the website. If you do not have access, please email info@linkinglondon.ac.uk.