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The Remains of Empire: From Grenfell to the Gweagal Shield

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The Centre for Feminist Legal Studies, the UBC Social Justice Insitute and he Allard Law Social Justice progamme present directors of the Centre for Research on Race and Law, School of Law, Birkbeck College, UK.


Dr Nadine El-Enany : The Colonial Logic of Grenfell

The Grenfell fire of 14 June 2016, of which the majority of victims were racialised, epitomises the persistence of a colonial social order predicated on racial hierarchy in Britain. Dr. El-Enany argues that race and its ongoing colonial configurations in Britain overdetermined what brought the Grenfell victims to the dangerous heights of the high-rise tower and ultimately to their violent and premature deaths.


Dr Sarah Keenan: Give Back the Gweagal Shield

At stake in a dispute between Gweagal man Rodney Kelly and the British Museum over possession of a shield possibly used to defend against Lieutenant James Cook's 1770 landing on the continent now known as Australia is much more than the object itself. The issue of ownership and possession of the shield cannot be separated from the historical reality of Britain’s mass theft of Aboriginal land, decimation of Aboriginal people and destruction of Aboriginal culture.

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