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Transform Your Career: Transition from Your Current Job to Your Dream Job!

Venue: Online

Book your place

Not sure how to translate your academic experience to maximise its impact and value to an employer giving you greater choice in your career? This is an essential skill is today’s competitive graduate job market.

 This session will help you understand how to speak to an employer in the language they understand so you get the most out of your educational journey.

You may not realise it but you have a lot to work with- whether it's course work, projects, papers, paid or unpaid work -these can all help you show awareness of the skills you have and why they should shortlist you for interview, even if you may not have loads of industry specific experience yet.

Having self-awareness about your academic skills and experience, and knowing how to communicate these with laser-focus, can make all the difference between having a job you just do to keep the proverbial wolf from the door, to having a job you love and can see yourself progressing in.

This online event is exclusive to Current Birkbeck Students. Please register with your Birkbeck student email.

ONLINE Event- The link to join this online session will be sent to you in advance of the session.

If you have any accessibility requirements for this event, please email Chloe at


Contact name:

  • Ms Chloe Hennigar