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The Beauty of Rocks

Venue: Online

Book your place

Applicants, Offer Holders and students who have accepted their place to study a degree within the department of Earth and Planetetary Sciences are invited to attend an introductory free lecture introducing them to learning at Birkbeck University of London.

Rocks tell us a unique and fascinating story about Earth’s history. Let’s go on a journey together and investigate the truth and beauty held in rocks and discover some of those stories. With Admissions tutor, Steve Hirons, you will look at igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rock types and see how their unique compositions shed light onto how they were formed and highlight ancient chapters of the Earth’s dynamic history.

This event is specifically for those who have applied for the following subjects:

Earth History and Palaentology (Certificate in Higher Education)
Geology (Certificate in Higher Education)
Planetary Sciences with Astronomy (Certificate Higher Education)

Environmental Geology (BSc)
Earth Sciences (BSc)
Geology (BSc)
Planetary Science with Astronomy (BSc)

Geology (Graduate Certificate)
Environmental Geology (Graduate Certificate)
Planetary Sciences (graduate Certificate)

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