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Get Ahead Stay Ahead: Quoting, paraphrasing and avoiding plagiarism

Venue: Online

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Get Ahead, Stay Ahead is a series of online study and writing skills workshops running throughout September, designed to help you prepare for university before the start of the academic year.

The ability to summarise, paraphrase and quote what you read is an essential and complex academic writing skill. They are key to good academic writing, creating a sound academic argument and demonstrating your understanding of the material. These skills are also crucial to reading and note-making for academic purposes and to integrating your material into your writing. This session will identify the differences between summarising, paraphrasing and quoting and the importance of – and how and when to - summarise, paraphrase or quote.

This online workshop will take place on Microsoft Teams.

The resources and recordings will be found after the workshops on the Birkbeck Study Skills Moodle module (student login required) in the Get Ahead, Stay Ahead section.

This workshop will repeat on Wednesday 20th September.

Birkbeck Study Skills also run study and writing skills workshops throughout the academic year.

Please note these workshops are intended for Birkbeck College students only.

This year’s full series of pre-sessional workshops is as follows:

Study skills:

1.     Time management and organising your studies

2.     Apps and software for study and organisation

3.     Academic reading, lectures and note-making techniques

4.     Academic reading and note-making using apps and software

5.     Developing your concentration & focus for study

6.     Writing and delivering effective presentations

7.     Critical thinking skills

8.     Quoting, paraphrasing and avoiding plagiarism

9.     Introduction to Moodle, Birkbeck's Virtual Learning Environment

10.   Zotero for postgraduates

Writing skills:

1.     Writing essays and assignments: an overview

2.     Assignment writing strategies using apps & software 

3.     Writing Style: Academic writing conventions

4.     Writing Structure: paragraphs and signposting language

5.     Writing Grammar: Sentences and punctuation



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