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Venue: Birkbeck Clore Management Centre

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The Birkbeck Institute for the Humanities' annual London Critical Theory Summer School is taking place over two weeks from 27th June - 8th July 2022.

The Summer School explores the genealogy and reach of critical theory, whilst encouraging intellectual elaboration and reflection. Our aim is to stimulate progressive, dissident being and thinking.The need for such thinking has dramatically increased in the past few years which witnessed the advent of leaders across the world - Trump, Bolsonaro, Johnson, Modi, Erdogan, Orbàn - and the massive global inequality to which they attest and have exacerbated, the inhumane asylum policies and increasingly licensed ethno-nationalism, racism and misogyny which they sanction, the forms of historical forgetting which they appear to demand. All this now aggravated by a global pandemic which presents new challenges to our ability to live and our capacity for critical thought, as we reflect on the meanings, and possibility, of justice and equality in our pandemic-driven world.

This internationally renowned Summer School enables graduate students and academics to engage in a two-week course of day-time study with acclaimed critical thinkers. At the end of each week, these thinkers join together for a public panel discussion.

This week's public panel debate will be chaired by Prof Ester Leslie.

The event is free to attend but registration is required. It will be recorded and livestreamed.

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