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'How can historians work with schools? Good practice and challenges': a workshop

Venue: Online

No booking required

Join us for a talk by Jason Todd  from the Department of Education at Oxford University. With reference to Raphael Samuel’s work, Jason talks about his new project which collaboratively links a local state secondary school with the university’s Faculty of History, with the aim to promote a collaborative approach to working that supports the development of the researcher as well as school-aged students and teachers.  He will also talk about a collaboration with History Workshop Journal’s Yasmin Khan that sought to offer an approach to enabling school-age student insight into the ways historians work. And we’ll hear about The Connected Curriculum Network which seeks to decolonise, de-centre and diversify historical education in the UK. This talk will be followed by open group discussion.


Followed by a team meeting. Feel free to join us if you're interested in the work of the RSHC.

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