The Raphael Samuel Memorial Lecture 2021: Imperial Sexual Economies
No booking required
The lecture is given by Hazel Carby
Hazel Carby is Charles C. and Dorathea S. Dilley Professor Emeritus of African American Studies, Professor Emeritus of American Studies, Yale University
Drawn from her new book Imperial Intimacies: A Tale of Two Islands the lecture will examine the workings of patriarchal, racialized and gendered power through the entangled lives of free women of colour and enslaved women on a Jamaican coffee plantation.
Booking is essential. To book your place click here:
A recording for this event is now available here
This event is organised by the Raphael Samuel History Centre and is associated with the Department of History, Classics and Archaeology's Discover the Past events series, open to the public and students. To see the full list of events, visit the Discover the Past web page.
The Raphael Samuel History Centre is a research and educational centre devoted to encouraging the widest possible participation in historical research and debate. It has a large programme of research, teaching, and public events and works with universities, museums, libraries, and schools, to create new forums for historical education and discussion.
The Department of History, Classics and Archaeology at Birkbeck has a distinguished tradition as an international centre of excellence. We are the only university department in London to include archaeologists, classicists and historians investigating every period from prehistory to the early twenty-first century. Join us to discover the past and engage with the present across continents and cultures.
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Katy Pettit
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