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LGBT History Month Annual Lecture: All Done & Dusted? Dispelling the Myths of LGBT Equality 50 years on

Venue: Birkbeck Main Building, Malet Street

No booking required

All are welcome to hear the inspirational and life-long Human Rights activist Peter Tatchell explore current issues related to LGBT equality.

2017 marks the 50th anniversary since the passing of the Sexual Offences Act 1967, which partially criminalised same-sex relationships between two consenting adults in private who were aged over 21. The lecture will consider how far British society has come in 50 years and explore the journey since the Act, discussing outstanding issues relating to LGBT equality.

The lecture will be introduced by the College Equality Champion, Professor Les Moran

Attendance is FREE.

The lecture is part of the College's programme to promote an inclusive work and study environment for all members of our Birkbeck community.

Peter Tatchell has campaigned for human rights and LGBT freedom for 50 years, since 1967. A pioneer of the Gay Liberation Front in the early 1970s and a co-founder of OutRage! in 1990, his research in the 1990s uncovered the vast scale of increased homophobic police persecution post-1967. He also spearheaded the campaign for same-sex civil marriages and opposite-sex civil partnerships. His human rights activism resulted in him being badly beaten by President Mugabe's bodyguards in 2001 and by Russian neo-Nazis in 2007. He is Director of the Peter Tatchell

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