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Property Law I (Land Law)


  • Credit value: 30 credits at Level 5
  • Coordinators: Nathan Moore and Sarah Keenan
  • Assessment: a 2500-word problem question (50%) and 2500-word essay (50%)

Module description

Land Law is the study of property in England and Wales. We will cover the fundamental framework of how property relations are constructed and, in doing so, contextualise their operation in terms of sovereignty and English colonialism.

Learning objectives

By completing this module, you will develop:

  • a coherent understanding of key aspects of land law and a critical awareness of the significance of contemporary research and debates about the subject
  • the ability to read, review, consolidate and assess critically cases, statutes and scholarly publications in the field
  • a practical understanding of how established techniques of research and enquiry are used to create and interpret knowledge in law and some originality in the application of that knowledge to legal problems and debate
  • a range of established techniques to initiate and undertake critical analysis of information, and to propose solutions to problems arising from that analysis
  • an appreciation of the different approaches to legal scholarship that might be employed and the ability to evaluate the benefits and limitations of different approaches to the study of law
  • the skill to deal with complex issues systematically and creatively and to make sound judgments about how to use case law and scholarly publications when developing solutions to problems
  • the ability to manage self-learning, demonstrate initiative and carry out independent research where necessary.

Recommended reading