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Public Relations


  • Credit value: 15 credits at Level 7
  • ConvenorWendy Hein
  • Tutor: Riccardo Benzo
  • Prerequisites: please note that the module Principles of Marketing is for non-marketing students and is a pre-requisite for all specialist marketing modules
  • Assessment: a 4000-word project (100%)

Module description

This module takes a multi-lateral approach to public relations (PR) theories and practices. For one, it facilitates an understanding of PR techniques or tools as adopted by marketing and PR practitioners, and it also approaches PR as a multidisciplinary research area, build on diverse social theories and critiques. With both areas often connected, you will learn how to practically apply PR processes from a managerial perspective, ranging from researching to planning, implementing, monitoring and managing PR plans. More tactical techniques include the effective compiling and organising of written content in diverse formats, the development of writing and editing skills, and the stimulation of creative thinking.

Ultimately, this module enables you to understand, apply and further question the merits of PR strategies and tactics through their contextualisation in broader theory and social developments, which will allow you to critique and challenge current PR practices across sectors and functions.

Learning objectives

By the end of this module, you will be able to:

  • demonstrate an understanding of how PR forms part of an integrated marketing communications programme, and formulate strategies for researching, planning, managing and evaluating PR efforts
  • recognise fundamental theories that underpin PR and provide a basis for critique
  • justify and critically assess the investment in PR for a given campaign
  • deploy mainstream public relations techniques, including media relations, in support of marketing or business objectives
  • understand and critique PR’s role in the creation of information and news in today’s media
  • understand and critique the distinction between PR as a 'craft' and PR as a 'strategic' discipline
  • appreciate the significance of ethical, legal and political issues in the practice of public relations
  • understand the role of issues management for an organisation’s reputation and PR’s role in the issues management process.