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Research/Placement Project and Report MA Film and Screen Media


  • Credit value: 30 credits at Level 7
  • Assessment: research or placement report of 5000-7000 words (100%)

Module description

Research project

The research project is intended to enhance the historical and theoretical aspects of the course with the analysis of an aspect of contemporary media culture and industry. It should involve an element of empirical research and combine an analysis of contemporary media practice with theorisation. You will develop a question or hypothesis to guide the process of research, and identify a case history, or selected examples, to illustrate and extend the original question.

Work placement

You are given the opportunity to undertake an unpaid placement or internship during the summer term, working in a company, institution or organisation involved in film or media. These have ranged from the British Film Institute to distribution, sales and film production companies. You will meet with the Placement Tutor (Dr Dorota Ostrowska) to discuss areas of interest and match these with placement opportunities. During the placement, you must carry out a programme of observation and/or analysis agreed in advance with your tutor, which will form the basis for the placement report.

Please note that work placements are not guaranteed.