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Feminist Imaginary Research Network (FIRN)

The Feminist Imaginary Research Network (FIRN) is a recently formed international network of feminist adult educators working in diverse institutional, geographical, social movement and community contexts, who are using aesthetic rupture to render visible and disrupt patriarchal and colonial epistemologies of mastery and established politics of gender.

We are exploring the connections between feminist education and research, imagination, creative and critical self and social reflection, aesthetic political activism and decolonisation in ways that might allow a reclamation of feminism as a radical means to address what Rajan, Jeberi and Mojab (2019, p. 255) call the “violence against women embedded in institutions and structures of society”.

The network has been successful in gaining ‘Connection’ funding from the Canadian Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council to co-articulate, co-investigate, co-create and co-curate spaces for gender justice and change. See our recent Feminist Imaginary online exhibition.

Network Chair: Professor Darlene Clover, UVic, Canada