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Dr Karen Wells awarded Artist-in-Residence Grant from The Leverhulme Trust

Karen Wells has been awarded an Artist-in-Residence Grant from The Leverhulme Trust to work with Ain Bailey, a sound artist, on a project on Acoustic Geographies Or Reflections on Assembly (AGORA).

Karen Wells has been awarded an Artist-in-Residence Grant from The Leverhulme Trust to work with Ain Bailey, a sound artist, on a project entitled Acoustic Geographies Or Reflections on Assembly (AGORA).

The artist, Ain Bailey, is a sound artist who will be exploring and representing the sonic relationship between assembly, absence, and architecture in the production of space. Specifically, the Residency will engage with the role of sound in place-making through the production and performance of a series of compositions created from the digital capture of the soundscape of sites of public assembly.

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