Learning to solve problems in new environments.

CONSENT FORM (PARENT) FOR: Learning to solve problems in new environments.

I confirm that I have had the details of the study explained to me and willingly consent for my child to take part. My questions have been answered to my satisfaction and I understand that I may ask further questions at any time.
I understand that my child will remain anonymous and that all the information given will be used for this study only.
I understand that I may withdraw my consent for my child to participate in this study at any time without giving any reason. I understand that my child can exit the online platform at any point. Furthermore, I understand that I will be able to withdraw my child’s data up to the point that the anonymised data can no longer be identified.
I understand that all information given will be kept confidential and that the anonymized data will be kept in password protected digital storage.
I understand that only the research team (details below) will have access to this data and they both agree to preserve confidentiality of data.
I understand how the results of the study will be used. Results will be written up for a dissertation and shared at conferences and /or in journals. Results are presented in terms of groups of individuals and data will be totally anonymous. No individual data are presented.
I understand that I can email Ori Ossmy at time and request my data to be removed from the project data base.
I confirm that my child is between 6- to 15-year-old (included)

Primary investigators contact details: Dr. Ori Ossmy (ori.ossmy@bbk.ac.uk)
Co-applicant contact details: Hélène Grandchamp des Raux (hgrand01@student.bbk.ac.uk).