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Writing skills: Grammar 2: Punctuation

Venue: Online

Book your place

This workshop will focus on correct punctuation usage, including how to use the most common punctuation marks correctly and effectively, including commas, semi-colons, colons, and dashes, for clear meaning, pacing and style. 

This workshop is part a series of two focused on grammar - the first workshop focuses on sentence structure.

This online workshop will take place on a link within the Birkbeck Study Skills Moodle Module. It is intended for enrolled Birkbeck students only, and you will require your student login details to access the workshop.

All our workshops will be repeated numerous times throughout the academic year. The resources and a recording of this workshop will be available in the Writing skills resources section of the Birkbeck Study Skills Moodle module (student login required).

If you encounter any problems booking events through My Birkbeck, please book via the Birkbeck Events webpage.

The central study skills team offers a variety of study skills and writing skills workshops.

This is one of the writing skills workshop series, which consists of:

1. Essay and assignment writing
2. Writing a dissertation
3. Style: Academic writing conventions
4. Structure: Paragraphs and signposting language
5. Grammar 1: Sentence structure
6. Grammar 2: Punctuation
7. Drafting, editing and proofreading your assignments
8. Academic writing skills for exams

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