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Planetary Interiors


  • Credit value: 15 credits at Level 6
  • Convenor: Professor Hilary Downes
  • Assessment: two quizzes (15% each), a project proposal (20%), 1200-word technical report (25%) and poster presentation (25%)

Module description

In this module we provide an overview of the methods used to remotely sound the interiors of distant planets by combining observations of their spin, gravity and magnetism with a wealth of complementary information in the form of comet and meteorite mineralogy and laboratory-based studies of minerals under extreme conditions.

You will be given a descriptive overview of the mathematical and physical concepts, providing the basis for future analytical study or research. The focus of the coursework assessment will be on a written discussion of contemporary research in each of the three main course themes: observations, experiments and modelling.

Indicative syllabus

Observational constraints

  • Mineralogy of comets, asteroids and meteorites as an insight into planetary composition
  • Use of seismic waves to probe planetary interiors
  • Application of gravity and planetary spin
  • Application of planetary magnetism

Matter under extreme conditions

  • Laboratory methods to learn about materials under planetary conditions
  • Properties of silicate rocks (mantles)
  • Properties of metallic alloys (cores)
  • Properties of planetary ices

Planetary evolution

  • Sources of heat - origins of differences between otherwise similar planetary bodies
  • Heat transport
  • Exoplanets - a universe of potentially weird objects

Learning objectives

By the end of this module, you will be able to:

  • understand the physical and mathematical basis for remote sensing of planetary interiors as well as the range of laboratory techniques and computer models required to interpret these data
  • synthesise diverse pieces of information into a coherent story in the context of lab- and computer-based testing of observationally formulated hypotheses
  • appreciate the limitations inherent in various techniques and be aware of overinterpretation or speculation in the literature
  • make an oral presentation that collates diverse information into a succinct and interesting narrative and field questions from an audience.