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Final Project MA Screenwriting


  • Credit value: 60 credits at Level 7
  • Convenor: Paul Gallagher (subject to change)
  • Assessment: a feature film script of 90-150 pages, or a TV series proposal (80%), and a critical evaluation of 4000 words (20%)

Module description

This is the culminating piece of screenwriting, which will bring together the practical and theoretical knowledge you have acquired throughout the course. You will create an original project and develop a professional script through drafts and rewrites. An introductory workshop will assist you with your project proposals.

The final project is based around self-organised study and intensive writing, with one-to-one supervision support from a practice lecturer for the screenwriting drafts. The theoretical component will enable you to reflect on your practice and understand your screenwriting within the context of the industry and discourses of screenwriting.