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Assessment offences

The College has an Assessment Offences Policy that explains what will happen if we suspect you have committed an assessment offence. These fall into three categories: 

  • Examination offences: these occur during exams and include taking in notes, using your mobile phone or speaking to another candidate during the exam. 
  • Plagiarism: this is presenting someone else’s work or thoughts as your own, or presenting another person’s work without the appropriate referencing. It also refers to submitting the same piece of work twice for two separate assessments (self-plagiarism). 
  • Collusion: this is getting the assistance of someone else in producing work that should have been produced by you alone (eg getting a friend to write substantive parts of your essay, or buying an essay off the Internet).

The College investigates suspected assessment offences and, if we find enough evidence that you have committed the offence, you will be penalised. Penalties range from a formal warning to deduction of marks or, in the most serious cases, termination of your registration as a student. 


You submit most of your written assessments online through Turnitin, the College's plagiarism detection software, which detects any similarities between submitted coursework and work published on the Internet.