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Bloomsbury Round Table

A summary review of the Bloomsbury Round Table by Professor Jean-Marc Dewaele.

A summary review of the Bloomsbury Round Table by Professor Jean-Marc Dewaele

The Bloomsbury Round Table on Communication, Cognition and Culture, Multilingualism, Multiculturalism and Emotion held on 13th and 14th June was well attended. The plenary speakers Professor Aneta Pavlenko, Dr Jozefien De Leersnyder, Dr Beverley Costa and Dr Sofie Bager-Charleson, Professor Jean-Marc Dewaele gave stimulating presentations, as well as the shorter papers of six current and former BBK PhD students.  There were lively discussions on the diversity of epistemological and methodological choices and the need for rigor,.  Participants discussed the need for social justice and the implications of the research on emotion for society at large, including the position of foreign language users and immigrants in police interviews, in psychotherapy, in day-to-day interactions and service encounters, in intercultural communication where so much can go wrong pragmatically that can have (sometimes unexpected) serious legal, social and psychological consequences.

If you wish to see recordings of talks and seminars held within the Department of Applied Linguistics then please click here. Please note that the RoundTable was not recorded.

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