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Wolf Wayne Research Fund for Graduate Students

A research expense fund for taught postgraduate students in the Department of History, Classics and Archaeology

The Wolf Wayne fund will be dedicated to support MA students' research activities, particularly those involving research for dissertations on non-British history topics which the student would be unable to conduct without financial support. Eligible costs include travel costs to archives and costs for vital research equipment or software.

All applicants are asked to submit:

  • a one-page statement on their research project,
  • a one-page statement on the costs of the project and a justification of the sum requested,
  • a short CV

The selection committee will consist of members of the Department. The deadline for the next round is 12 March 2018. The main criteria for success are the originality and feasibility of the research project, and the importance of financial support to the student.

We will let all applicants know within 2 weeks from the closing date.

All successful applicants will be asked to submit a short report on their research and its main findings before they graduate.

Applications should be sent to Daniel Binney

For any further details please contact Kat Hill, (

‘The fund's grant enabled me to look widely at a range of archives around England and Wales from the outset and then, critically, to re-focus my dissertation when research unearthed new archive material that pointed me in new directions. It enabled me to 'follow' the evidence, as it were, so making the dissertation's contents stronger and more original than would have otherwise been the case.’  -former MA fund recipient

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