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The Sanctuary of Apollo on Despotiko, Cyclades

Venue: Birkbeck Main Building, Malet Street

No booking required

The Sanctuary of Apollo on Despotiko, Cyclades

We are pleased to announce the invitation to this year's Despotiko lecture at Birkbeck, presented by the Director of the archaeological excavations, Dr. Yannos Kourayos. The lecture will take place on Monday 26 March 2018, 6pm, Birkbeck, Malet Street, B36. Please register attendance with Siân Green (

The aim of the lecture is to introduce this spectacular site to the Birkbeck community and provide information for students who wish to join this year's fieldwork. The event marks the evolving collaborative ties between the Department of History, Classics & Archaeology and the Despotiko project team of the Greek Ministry of Culture. This link enables Birkbeck students to gain excavation placements contributing towards the 20-day fieldwork requirement on the BA Archaeology and BA History & Archaeology. This year the department offers up to four bursaries of £200 to support travel costs accruing from participation in the project. All participants from Birkbeck, regardless of whether they receive a bursary or not, are eligible for the heavily subsidized accommodation and hospitality provided by the project team.

For further information on the bursaries, see:

Students who wish to join the excavation without applying for a bursary should register their interest by Friday 2 March 2018 in a 200-word statement emailed to Siân Green ( indicating their interests in the project and the dates they intend work at the site (ideally for two weeks, and no less than one).

The dates of this year's Despotiko excavation season are Monday 28 May to Friday 6 July.

Please note that participation in the Despotiko project is no substitute for the compulsory fieldwork module 'Buried Humanities' and won't be accepted as an excuse for students to miss regular classes scheduled for summer term.

For further information, please contact Caspar Meyer (