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Research Fellow Knowledge Exchange : Anti-Politics in Media and Culture

Venue: Birkbeck 43 Gordon Square

No booking required

This event has been organised by the Department of Film Media and Culture and BIRMAC Research Fellow, Dr. Eliane Glaser, and is part of the Research Fellow Knowledge Exchange initiative.

In recent years there has been a rising tide of populist and anti-political sentiment. Figures like Donald Trump and Nigel Farage have gained power by distancing themselves from 'the establishment' and portraying the political system itself as the enemy of the people. How has this anti-politics been manifest in culture, and in old and new media? What is the relationship between these representations and the arena of political practice? To what extent does anti-politics herald the return of politics proper? Or is it an aspect of a broader cultural and technological shift: the postmodern fragmentation of authority, movement, epoch, and grand narrative?

Speakers confirmed : Rob Topinka (Birkbeck), Alan Finlayson (UEA), William Davies (Goldsmiths), Esther Leslie (Birkbeck), Hilary Wainwright (Red Pepper) and Jeremy Gilbert (UEL).

This event is free, but booking is required - reserve your place here.