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Big Ideas - The Biggest Problem in the World: Our Problem With Problems (And Why Truth Matters) - Finsbury Park

Venue: External

No booking required

Join us for Big Ideas at City & Islington College's Centre for Lifelong Learning, and come prepared for interesting discussion and fascinating research!

Birkbeck's Big Ideas is a series of thought-provoking free public lectures, designed to inspire and bring world class Birkbeck academics to the local community, with this latest installment from Ronald Balzan, of Birkbeck's Department of Psychological Sciences.

Have you had a problem you've struggled to solve? Most people have. Virtually every problem in life is unclear. It is only by solving the right problems, however, that we progress. When we fail to represent, or model, a problem, we end up trying to solve a problem different from the one intended. Our problem, unsurprisingly, continues. And we misrepresent problems often. Despite the criticality of representation to solution, its study has been relatively overlooked. Through committing to truth, understanding causality, and demanding genuine evidence (from ourselves and others), we can become better at representing, and thereby solving, life's problems.

The event is FREE and open to all, but please note that seating is allocated on a first come first served basis. Registration and refreshments start at 6pm and the talk will commence at 6.15pm. We look forward to welcoming you to this Birkbeck's Big Ideas event!


Hear Ron talking about his research for Birkbeck Voices podcast here

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