Call for Papers: 16th Uddevalla Symposium 2013

Innovation, High-growth Entrepreneurship and Regional Development

June 13-15, 2013

  • Kauffman Foundation, Kansas City, MO, USA
  • Venue: The Kauffman Foundation Conference Center
  • Abstract Submission Deadline: January 27th, 2013

The critical role of innovation and entrepreneurship in regional economic development in terms of productivity and employment growth has been well documented theoretically as well as empirically by researchers in recent decades. The specific mechanisms through which innovation stimulates regional economic development are less well established. It is often assumed that entrepreneurship in the form of new firm formation and the growth of newly established firms plays a critical role, but how, why, when and under what conditions is less clear. Empirical studies show that a limited share of new business ventures have the capacity to rapidly up-scale and to generate substantial new jobs in the regions where they are launched. From the perspective of regional policy makers, this implies that it is critical to understand what regional economic milieus are capable of generating innovations that can be the basis of high-growth entrepreneurship as well as provide the right environment for entrepreneurs to launch entrepreneurial initiatives.

Download for the full Call for Papers document for more details (.pdf)