by João Gilberto Noll

Friday, 2 October 2009, 6pm, Room B35, Birkbeck, Malet Street, London WC1E 7HX

The screening of the award-winning film Nunca Fomos Tão Felizes (Murilo Salles, 1984, 90 min), the cinematic adaptation of João Gilberto Noll’s short story ‘Alguma Coisa Urgentemente’, was followed by a conversation in Portuguese with João Gilberto Noll lead by Dr Aquiles Alencar Brayner, author of the book The Literature of the Senses: Body, Corporeal Perception and Aesthetic Experience in the Work of João Gilberto Noll (Lambert Academic Publishing, 2009).

The programme is sponsored by the Brazilian Embassy in association with CILAVS and the British Library.