Professor Dolors Comas d’Argemir

Friday, 2 November 2012, 6.00 to 7.30pm, Room 541, Malet Street (Entrance via Torrington Place), Birkbeck, University of London

Very important public policies to fight against violence over women have been implemented in Spain in the last years. A strong social conscientious about this crime has been decisive in the advance of the political agenda. Prof Comas d’Argemir will focus on the role of media in this process, as they have contributed to extend the perception of the violence against women as a social problem, analysing also how the different denominations used in the public arena and in the media (‘domestic violence’, ‘gender violence’ and ‘male violence’) correspond to different ways of understanding the causes of violence, the victims, and the aggressors.

Dolors Comas d’Argemir is a Visiting Fellow in the Birkbeck Institute for Social Research, and Professor of Social Anthropology at the University Rovira I Virgili, Tarragona. Between 1995 and 2012 she was a Member of the City Council of Tarragona, Member of the Parliament of Catalonia and Member of the Audiovisual Media Council of Catalonia, the independent regulatory authority for Catalan media. As a politician Prof Comas d’Argemir has been involved in developing some policies, participating in the making of several laws related to social issues, audiovisual media and women rights. She was the Chairwoman of the Catalonia Ombudsman Commission, contributing to the elaboration of the Statute of Autonomy of Catalonia. She has published in a variety of fields, including: Vides de dona (Women’s lives), 1990; Trabajo, género y cultura (Work, Gender and Culture), 1995; Antropología económica (Economic Anthropology), 1998; Andorra un país de frontera (Andorra, a border country), 2002.

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