Architecture Space and Society Centre



The Architecture Of Petro-urbanism – 19 November 2020

Thursday 19 November 2pm: With a looming ‘cold crunch’ caused by rampant growth in air-conditioning usage, Jiat-Hwee Chang (National University of Singapore) traces the 50-year history of how two Asian cities, Singapore and Doha, became reliant on mechanical cooling.

Race, Style and Ideologies of National Character – 20 November 2020

Friday 20 November 6pm: In this final talk in our Autumn 2020 programme, Charles L. Davis II will trace the racial discourses inherent in the architectural writings and buildings of five modern theorists—Eugene Emmanuel Viollet-le-Duc, Gottfried Semper, Louis Sullivan, Frank Lloyd Wright, and William Lescaze.

Gothic Architecture and Sexuality – 29 October 2020

Thursday 29 October 6pm: Matthew Reeve (Queen’s University) discusses how the Gothic style offered a queer reversal of the dominant Palladian style of the C18. Centred around Walpole’s Gothic villa at Strawberry Hill in Twickenham, Walpole and his ‘Strawberry Committee’ of male friends, designers and dilettantes invigorated an extraordinary new mode of Gothic design.

Graphic Anthropology – 23 October 2020

Friday 23 October 6pm: Ray Lucas (University of Manchester) will address the Japanese festival – Matsuri – and its relevance to architecture. The result of over 6 years of field visits, the aim of the work is to establish an Iterative Aesthetics; that is to say, a sensitivity to the temporality of design.

New Honorary Research Associate

ASSC’s new Honorary Research Associate, Miloš Kosec, will be working on a project titled ‘Barriers without walls: Spatialisation of the cordon sanitaire’

2020 Autumn Programme

ASSC is pleased to announce its new Autumn 2020 Programme of events, with talks on ‘graphical anthropology’, petro-urbanism, Gothic architecture and sexuality, the making of the Soviet New Man and more. Beginning 23 October.

Architecture on Film and at Home

The Coronavirus crisis confines most of us to our homes and for those of us interested professionally or for pleasure in architecture this can be deeply frustrating. However, there is on Youtube a huge amount of architecturally-related historic films, documentaries,… Continue Reading →

Thinker in Architecture: Emma Cheatle

7 February 2020: Feminist Ethnography and “writing-architecture-nearby”. With its critical ethnographic roots, “writing- architecture-nearby” is a slow, painstaking, iterative process of care. A mobile writing, it attempts to resuscitate or activate architecture as a multiple subject. This talk tracks the way Cheatle’s work has developed over the last five years through a series of writing experiments.

Liminal London: Real and Unreal Spaces of the C20 Metropolis

21 February 2020: Liminal London – Real and Unreal Spaces of the 20th Century Metropolis. This one-day symposium examines the existence of heterotopic sites and other spaces straddling the real and the unreal throughout London in the twentieth century.

Photography, Space & Violence: a Workshop

13 December 2019: A collaboration between three Birkbeck Research Centres, this workshop focuses on photography as a tool for representing places where routine or traumatic violence unfolded. With Speakers including Claire Zimmerman, Alberto Toscano, Sean Willcock and Steve Edwards.

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